Fuel consumption
The "construction industry" and thus also the explosives detection industry have an important task in combating climate change and promoting sustainability. With a direct reduction of emissions from diesel vehicles and equipment.
(HVO100) delivers up to 90% reduction in greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions. HVO diesel has a similar chemical composition to regular diesel and delivers the same performance. Moreover, in view of the criteria for tenders, it can provide a competitive advantage. For example, we won the tender for the Limburg Water Board by obtaining the award advantage of theCO2 performance ladder.
Obtaining the framework contract for Waterschap Limburg means that the projects carried out in accordance with the framework contract must have a specific policy for reducingCO2 . This usually involves applying a reduction in fuels or travel time.
What is HVO100?
This is a hydrogen-treated vegetable oil that helps companies achieve climate targets by directly reducing greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions. This is a fossil-free and a direct fossil-diesel substitute.
What is HVO20?
This is a hydrogen-treated vegetable oil (HVO20) consisting of 80% diesel oil and 20% biodiesel. This combination is good to use with somewhat older machines that are not yet fully adapted to the use of the new fuels. We use this fuel for the projects of the Limburg Water Board. In addition to HVO 20, there are other grades available such as HVO10, HVO30, HVO50 and HVO100. The number indicates the percentage of biodiesel.
Interview held on 21 April 2022 with our expert; Bas Maassen.
We recently applied HVO100 to a project, namely the Lange Heide pumping station. This was carried out by our own Bas Maassen. We asked Bas about his experiences:
What do you think of the new fuel HVO100?
Bas; Positive experience, the crane still does what it used to do. So I don't notice anything wrong with the machine. The smell is not too bad because my tank was still half full of diesel, so it was more of a 50/50 mixture. I also noticed that the fuel is very clear during refuelling, it looks like water. The smell is reminiscent of vegetable oil, a bit like the exhaust from old German trucks.
However, I have heard from other drivers that the fuel filters can clog up more quickly when using HVO. I have not noticed this myself yet. So it is not possible to say anything about this at the moment.
Bas thanks for this interview!